***************************************************************** THIS IS NOT A SHAREWARE. FEEL FREE TO PASS IT ON TO YOUR FRIENDS, BUT AS A FAVOR, PLEASE DISTRIBUTE IT +WITH+ THIS FUZZY.TXT FILE, OKIE ? THANX A MILLION. - JONŽ 1998 ***************************************************************** Installation notes ------------------ Unzip the file into your C:\ drive. Yup, just select C:\ from your Winzip window. DO NOT UNZIP IT TO ANY SUB-FOLDER. The fuzzy.zip file will unzip everything into the appropriate sub-folders. Launch WinAmp, hit ALT+S to access your "skins" listing, select "Jon-Fuzzy", and voila! Your WinAmp has a new face! If this isn't too clear, you can find it explained a little differently at: http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/4144/winamp.htm NOTE: "Skins" work ONLY with WinAmp 1.80 or higher and NOT previous versions. If you're using an earlier version, visit http://www.winamp.com and download the latest version. Or you can visit my URL at: http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/4144/winamp.htm You can also check for more skins at the URL above. Ya know how it's said that sequels can never be as good as the original...haha... I *do* hope the Jon-Fuzzy proves 'em wrong, but even if it doesn't, I had fun! kekekkekeke..... Emm, actually this is my very first attempt in creating a winamp skin. Honestly, I'm not very satisfy with this one after I made another skin which I called it Jon-Titanic. Anyway, I do hope you have enough fun with this one ! Just me JONŽ keanurivs@innocent.com April 1998